error for mouse move comand in image recognition

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error for mouse move comand in image recognition

Post by hotroad » Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:29 pm

i am using tutorial script, but i have a problem. When there is no image that i named pret on the screen then i get an error statement
" invalid numeric value for mouse move comand " and the script is terminated . So my question is how do i avoid that. How do i avoid the error statement in the script that results in script getting terminated.

ScreenCapture>0,0,sX,sY,C:\Programs\Macro Scheduler 12\scre\screen.bmp
FindImagePos>C:\Programs\Macro Scheduler 12\pictures\pret cf .bmp,C:\Programs\Macro Scheduler 12\scre\screen.bmp,60,1,XPos,YPos,pret cf

if>pret cf>0

Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:18 pm

Post by hotroad » Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:17 pm

ok i found what was the problem obiusly in the program macro schelduler 12

when i have 2 words like " pret cf "
the script can run smothly if there is an image on the screen but if there is no image on the screen then you wil get an error statement
" invalid numeric value for mouse move comand"

so the solution is just to type a one word in the script maybe like " pretcf " and it will work smothly.

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