Run When Conflicts

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Run When Conflicts

Post by Dexter1 » Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:50 pm

I have a general question about how MacroScheduler handles scheduled jobs. If I have two jobs scheduled for the same time, will they both get run? Will this happen simultaneously or will one run and then the other?


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Post by JRL » Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:08 pm

I can't really answer your question 'cause I've never tried it. However, have you read THIS? As a generality, it is not a good idea to run two scripts simultaneously. In the situation where I want two or more scripts to run sequentially, with a minimum delay between them, I create and schedule one script that consists of one Macro> command after another. The Macro> command runs the scripts I want. The second script won't start until the first script finishes. I usually include a short wait between them because it makes me feel good.

Code: Select all

Macro>First script.scp
Macro>Second script.scp
Macro>Third script.scp

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