Need to Press Esc to end function, but doesn't seem to work

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Need to Press Esc to end function, but doesn't seem to work

Post by despinal » Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:23 pm

I have this dialup application which requires to Press Esc to end the call. I have the codes below which doesn't seem to work. Am I missing something?

I did notice that if I use this below all by itself, the "End" function does work...

Code: Select all

SetFocus>Cisco IP Communicator
Press Esc
Unfortunately I have another function right after Press Esc, like the example below, the End function doesn't get processed...

Code: Select all

SetFocus>Cisco IP Communicator
Press Esc
Change Directory>C:\Program Files\AliveMedia\MP3 WAV Converter
Run>mp3wavconverter "C:\conversation.wma" /mp3 /"C:\archive"

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