Protection of Cells Override in Excel 2000

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Protection of Cells Override in Excel 2000

Post by gil_botello » Wed May 16, 2007 3:56 pm

I'm presented with the problem of protecting a sheet from being edited with the exception of 2 fields. I have tried the Format Cells>Locked / Protect Sheet method and it just locks the entire sheet instead of the range that I formatted to "Locked". Any assistance is greatly appreciated. I was looking into the "Protect." method and I couldn't make it work.

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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen » Wed May 16, 2007 4:24 pm

This is not really a Macro Scheduler issue, but as a favor:

Open the spreadsheet.
All cells are formatted as locked as a default value
Select the two cells you want to edit.
Right click on the cells, select Format Cells.
Go to the tab for protection, and remove the checkmark from "Locked" and click OK.
Now that the cells have been formatted, you need to enable the protection.
Click on Tools/Protection/Protect Sheet.
Make sure there is a checkmark to "Protect worksheet...."
Enter the Case Sensitive password.
Put checkmarks in the options to edit as desired
Click OK.
Those cells should now be the only cells that can be edited. Trying to change any other cell will result in a message box.

Be sure to Save your file with the changes.
Hope this was helpful..................good luck,
A humble man and PROUD of it!

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