Comment Macro

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Comment Macro

Post by rjseastrand » Wed May 09, 2007 2:45 am

I was wondering if there was a way to comment the macro to make it easy to remember what it is doing for future reference and editing?


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Post by Me_again » Wed May 09, 2007 3:02 am

//you can add comments with two / at the start of the line
//there are a bunch of other characters that work too, but //
//is all I can remember right now :D

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Post by jpuziano » Wed May 09, 2007 3:49 am

Hi rjseastrand,

Have you looked in the Help file?
  1. From the Macro Scheduler Main Window, Click Help/Contents to open the Help file.
  2. Click the "Search" tab if it is not already highlighted.
  3. In the "word(s) to search for" field, type in: comments
  4. Click the "List Topics" button.
A variety of topics will be listed, here's two of interest:



Remark>Some Comment

The remark statement is ignored by the interpreter. It exists simply to allow comments to be placed in the code. In fact, any text that is not a recognised command can be used for this purpose.

Several lines of code can also be commented out in one go by using /* before and */ after the lines to be commented. E.g.:



The Complete Script

So let's review the script. I have added comments to document the script – to make it more readable and easy to follow. You can use almost anything that isn't a recognised script command for comments. There is a reserved word called Remark which can be used:

Remark>This is a comment

But I've used // to indicate my comments. Some people like to use **. Use what you feel comfortable with – as long as it isn't a recognised script command – or it will try to execute your comments. Which could be interesting! continues... check the help file to read the whole thing...


Also, try the Block Comment feature recently added to the Advanced Editor...
  1. Open a script in the Advanced Editor.
  2. Highlight a couple lines you'd like to "comment out".
  3. Click Edit/Block Comment... and the lines will be commented out.
  4. If you do not wish these lines commented out, you could manually delete the /* and */ lines that have been inserted or... click Edit/Undo to reverse your last action (/* and */ lines will be removed) or just press CTRL-Z which is the keyboard shortcut for Undo.
Don't forget to search the Help file, help on almost any topic can be found there... take care.

Note: If anyone else on the planet would find the following useful...
[Open] PlayWav command that plays from embedded script data
...then please add your thoughts/support at the above post - :-)

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