Scripting question

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Scripting question

Post by furyfro » Fri Jun 09, 2006 5:56 pm

I am struggling with creating 2 scripts mainly because I am not any good at programing.

The first script would migrate a list (Company Name/Contact Name/Street/Cit ,State,Zip/Phone/Fax/Email) from a word file to an excel file, putting them in a horizontal arrangement.

The secondone is a bit tougher.

The second script would take that converted excel list, copy the name, enter it into a search field on a set website, click search, select the result by matching city,state. and then copy 4-5 different distinct data sets and paste them in seperate fields corresponding to the name.

Is macro scripting the best means to do this or is there a better/easier approach?

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Post by mileswilliams » Fri Aug 04, 2006 4:59 pm

Firstly -->

I'll try and point you in the right direction, there is a few ways of doing this...

editing the files, , renaming them and then opening.
Opening Word and Excel and hopping from one to the other copying and pasting.
Or simply telling word to create a CSV file, then opening Excel and importing a CSV file.

The file editing would be my approach, it doesn't rely on Excel or Word just bulletproof Macro Scheduler.

Search for things like :


Secondly -->

setfocus>explorer window
send> your data
press tab
send>more data

Macro Scheduler will do all this with relative ease, and it would take you an evening of trial and error.

Have a go at knocking one up yourself it is easy if you try, any problems at all, post them. There is nothing better than helping someone help themselves... Asking people to write the whole thing will cause people to avoid answering your post.

These will get you started, put a few line together and post them back on here, we will all help, generally noone writes macros for other people on here for free, but everyone loves helping.

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