Using the SENDSMTPSendMail command with Email "groups&q

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Using the SENDSMTPSendMail command with Email "groups&q

Post by zeke » Mon Apr 10, 2006 11:35 pm

Can you use the SMTPSendMail function with email groups? - not just individuals. We have a groups of staff called Information Systems.

I tried using the syntax below using Information Systems as my recipients but nothing was delivered.



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Post by JRL » Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:58 am

Where is the Information Systems email defined? Its not in Macro Scheduler.

You'll need to provide real email addresses. When I'm sending something to a group of people I usually predefine the subject and message then create a line for each individual. It may seem like extra effort but its a script and you usually only set it up once then use it multiple times. Perhaps changing the subject and message.

Let>from_address=[email protected]
Let>subject=Test email distribution
Let>body=Greetings,%CRLF%This is only a test.%CRLF%%CRLF%Thank You.

SMTPSendMail>[email protected],server,from_address,from_name,subject,body,attachments
SMTPSendMail>[email protected],server,from_address,from_name,subject,body,attachments
SMTPSendMail>[email protected],server,from_address,from_name,subject,body,attachments
SMTPSendMail>[email protected],server,from_address,from_name,subject,body,attachments

Hope this helps,

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Post by Me_again » Tue Apr 11, 2006 1:20 pm

JRL, Any reason why you don't use SMTP_BCCLIST and send it one time?

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Post by JRL » Tue Apr 11, 2006 1:32 pm

Maybe I'm stubborn and set in my ways and don't use new things when they come along....So I guess the answer is "no reason" :)

Actually, I've never had a reason to try it.

Thanks for the update,

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