Log File

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Log File

Post by tony_smith » Wed Apr 05, 2006 5:30 pm

I am using MS Pro 8.0.1

The help utility, within "Command Line Options" states:

"It is not necessary to specify a log file if running a macro using only the macro name for a macro that already has logging enabled. In this case the log file settings for that macro will be used. "

However, I have been unable to produce log files when calling a logging enabled script like this from a batch file;

"C:\Program Files\MJT Net Ltd\Macro Scheduler\msched.exe" U:\macros\ARCHTRACKG.scp

I like to log all scripts in production, but I have been unable to do it this way.

When I am developing scripts and run them from MS, they produce logs as expected.

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Post by JRL » Wed Apr 05, 2006 7:09 pm

I agree, the help for "command line" would lead you to believe the logfile will be created simply by running from a DOS command line or through a batch file. I tried everything I could think of and the only ways I found that generate a logfile are to run from Macro Scheduler, or to add /LOGFILE=[path][filename] to the end of the batch file line.


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Post by Me_again » Wed Apr 05, 2006 7:55 pm

Agreed, I can't make it work either.

Another clunky solution would be for the command line macro run the real macro with the /LOGFILE option.

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