FTPGetDir has stopped working

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FTPGetDir has stopped working

Post by bernie » Mon Nov 28, 2005 5:18 am

This is very odd. I have a script that runs in the middle of the night to FTP-upload a backup file to a server and it has been running pretty much forever [at least a year now]. But on July 23[!! - I can tell from the date the file was last modified!] FTPGetDir stopped working. The relevant code looks like:


Let>Message=Error reading directory:%CRLF%%FTP_RESULT%

[...process the directory...]

But I can see that the 'backup.txt. file hasn't been changed, even though I'm getting "Success" for the FTP_RESULT. I can't imagine what might have started going wrong, or what I can do to figure out what IS going rong. Any suggestions on how to track down what's happening?

I'm running on XP/Pro and from what I can tell, I installed 11.4 on 15 May and from what I can tell, I didn't install anything at all in the entire month of July, so I have no clue what the FTPGETdir stopped working [NBL: the FTPputfile that comes a bit later in the script has continued to work just fine.. it is only the GetDir that's got a problem.

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