Incosistant Running of Scripts

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Incosistant Running of Scripts

Post by macrunning » Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:10 pm

I have been using Scheduler 7.3 for the last several months. I have noticed that sometimes the scripts do not execute their commands. I have not changed the script and run it every day. Some days it will run through without any problems and other times it will run and then just hang up at point. I don' t know if this a Scheduler issue or Microsoft issue but does anyone know why the script seems to hang up at different points when running. I would have it write to a log but it happens at different points. It's almost as if the computer didn't recognize Scheduler running any longer.
Any input on this topic would be a great help.

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Post by pgriffin » Mon Oct 31, 2005 5:46 pm

The last time I had an occurence like this, I broke my script into two different scripts. The first script checked a few database values and, based on the data, would call the second script with the Macro> command. This way only the 'master' script which was much smaller was running continuously. It fixed the problem in my case. I have had one of my customers say that, from time to time, for no apparent reason they have to stop and start a script to get things going again. I haven't investigated further.


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