waitWindowopen or close is not enough?

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waitWindowopen or close is not enough?

Post by caomeisanhao » Wed Jul 06, 2005 7:44 am


I have problem by installing a software. I want to install it in silent mode,So I use MacroScheduler to prepare.

the software is a big stuff,after showing some windows(Welcom,Accept,setup Folder) it begins to install, lasts 7mins ,so I may use waitwindowclose,but I found that the window title of the installing names "install software A" from begin to the end. the window titel doesnot change,but the label in the windows changes.such as (begin install,installing,finish install)

how can I do ?
donot tell me
" Wait>420
Press Enter " :)
thanks in advance!

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Post by Luciano » Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:59 am


You can try the command WaitPixelColor>ColorCode,X,Y,Timeout.

Observe carefully the Install window and look for changing colors in the window during install. Pick up the colorcode and coordinates and put them into the WaitPixelColor command. You can intercept dialog windows and give an answer to that dialog. The success of this technique is strongly dependent of the install program.

Note that a change in the install program (New version of program) needs new colorcodes and/or coordinates.



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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen » Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:59 pm

You can have the last part of the installation update an INI file, or create a temp file to indicate completion.

Now you can loop checking the INI file for a value or checking to see IfFileExists>

Or do the install with Run Program and RP_WAIT=1.
Hope this was helpful..................good luck,
A humble man and PROUD of it!

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Post by JRS » Sun Jul 10, 2005 6:13 am


For What It's Worth (FWIW), I strongly concur with Bob's elegant
solution here for the inherent "changing window title problem"
which seems to be similar in nature to what I've encountered.

I just wanted to say from actual experience the "if file exist" solution
does indeed work and works very well. It seems the way to go rather than trying to focus (no pun intended) on the changing window title
which is really squirreley.

Also FWIW I wanted to thank Bob for posting his helpful solutions,
tips and advice which for me has been instumental in my
utilizing Macro Scheduler (as well as posts from MJTNET support)

I really appreciate it.

Joel S.

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