how to pull everything out of subfolders

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how to pull everything out of subfolders

Post by tim167 » Fri Jun 17, 2005 9:57 am

another thing I would like to be alble to do:
for any given folder perform the following action:
if the folder contains files in subfolders, move them to the main folder and remove the subdirectories so that you get a folder containing all files in the same place.
Maybe this is a command line thing ?
Maybe someone already made a script for this?

thank you

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Post by support » Fri Jun 17, 2005 10:03 am

Again, use FileSystemObject. Search this forum for FileSystemObject and Subfolders. FileSystemObject has a subfolder property so you can locate and iterate through subfolder files and simply move each one in turn to the parent folder.

These should give you some clues. ... +subfolder ... +subfolder
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