waitkeydown....Does it wear down your computer excessively?

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waitkeydown....Does it wear down your computer excessively?

Post by Kwhiz » Fri Feb 04, 2005 6:51 pm

I have Win2000 and a costly computer that I don't feel like replacing
anytime soon. I want to run a Macro that makes heavy use of the
waitkeydown command for 8 hrs/day (40 hours/week, 52 weeks/year).
As soon as I press the special key that waitkeydown is asking for, the
macro performs a small task and then goes to a new and different
waitkeydown command within the macro. The macro has ~9500 lines.

I know there are other ways to perform this Macro without using the
waitkeydown function, but they are slower than I like, and so I prefer
using the waitkeydown methodology.

However, using the Windows Task Manager that comes with Win2000,
I've noticed that the waitkeydown command makes the processor max
out at 100%. As long as the waitkeydown function is waiting for me to
press a specific key, my processor stays maxed out at 100%. This occurs
not just for a minute or two, but for 8 hours/day since I have chosen to
run this macro nonstop.

So my question and concern here is this: Is running this waitkeydown
macro for eight hours/day (and 40 hours/week, 52 weeks/year)
extremely detrimental to my computer? Will the lifespan of my computer
be significantly reduced?

Thanks for any insights,

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