GetWindowChildList not returning all child handles

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GetWindowChildList not returning all child handles

Post by MarcinW » Tue Jun 11, 2024 11:24 am


I'm using version 15.0.19 and SDK from around the time of that version release, I have lifetime licenses for both, so I'm not sure if it has been fixed in a newer version or not.

I rarely use GetWindowChildList so I'm not sure how often this issue occurs and if it's specific to the window I am trying to automate now.

The problem I have is that GetWindowChildList function does not return all child handles for me. It misses good chunk of them.

As a simplified example, let's say I have parent handle 10, and in the View System Windows tool I can see it has child handles 1, 2, 3

If I call GetWindowChildList for handle 10, it only returns 1 and 3, missing 2.
If I call FindObject passing parent handle 10, and the class name + index of the missing object, it does successfully find it and returns handle 2
If I call GetWindowParent passing handle 2 (return type 1), it does return handle 10.

Is anyone aware of this issue? Is this something that newer version fixed? Is there any workaround to this issue? I really need to get handles of all the child elements.

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Dorian (MJT support)
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Re: GetWindowChildList not returning all child handles

Post by Dorian (MJT support) » Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:59 am

I've tested and can replicate this in the 15.0.24 too. It seems to see all the windows with captions but not ones without. I have passed this on to dev for investigation.
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