Writing in a non english language

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Writing in a non english language

Post by CatBreath » Wed Aug 03, 2005 7:45 pm

I need to write in hebrew.
and its not supported.

I dont need to read any hebrew i just need to send hebrew letters.

I got hebrew on my computer so if i could just give a command that sends specific KEYS and NOT LETTERS (meaning that the script will press the button "a" thus sending either a or ש depending on the current selected language) everything will work fine.

Meanwhile the only way i found to get the script to write hebrew is coping and pasting, the problem is that i want to get the text out of a dialog box.

Is there any way of doing that?


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Post by support » Wed Aug 03, 2005 8:47 pm

Use the Ascii command to send ascii codes for whichever character you want.
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Post by CatBreath » Sat Aug 13, 2005 12:30 pm

but what about reading?

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Post by CatBreath » Sat Aug 13, 2005 3:41 pm

i managed to get the hebrew text into the clipboard using PutClipBoard>String.

and when i manually press CTRL-V everything is fine.

The Problem is when i tell ms to press CTRL-V its like it cant press anything between the Press CTRL and the Release CTRL.

Even weirder is that if the clipboard is loaded with some english text than everything goes fine...

Heres an example of my script:

Caption=ms example
Run Program>Notepad.exe c:\ita.ini
WaitWindowOpen>Settings.ini - Notepad
Press Down * 11
Press Home
Press Del * 200
Press CTRL
Release CTRL
Press Alt
Press F4
Release Alt

Again everything works perfectly if i write in english...
And if i write in hebrew i can still paste things fine manually...


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Post by CatBreath » Thu Aug 18, 2005 1:49 pm

Can anyone explain this to me please?

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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen » Thu Aug 18, 2005 3:20 pm

I am confused about what does not work. Where is the hebrew?

You say if this is written in Englsh that it works. You have provided an English script. So you have provided a sample of what works? Where is the hebrew?

Can you provide a sample of what does not work?

You are using PutClipboard>DialogSIC.smstxt which will end up with the literal string "DialogSIC.smstxt" Is this intended to be the contents of a file? Are you saying if that file content is English then all is OK, but if the file contents are hebrew it fails?

If the script is written in hebrew, and you used ASCII(), then perhaps you need to review the ASCII codes for an error in that area?
Hope this was helpful..................good luck,
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Post by JRL » Thu Aug 18, 2005 5:42 pm

I am also confused as to what is happening.

From your original message, it sounds like you may be switching your keyboard back and forth from English to Hebrew. I've never changed my keyboard to any other language so I'm not sure what goes on when you do that. But I'm wondering if the problem is that when you Press CTRL V through MS while your keyboard is in Hebrew, the "V" has no meaning. You mentioned that when you manually press CTRL V everything works fine. But if you have reset your keyboard to Hebrew when you press "V" you are actually sending some other character.

As an example:

Press CTRL
Release CTRL

When the keyboard is in Hebrew would have to be.

Press CTRL
Send>(appropriate Hebrew character)
Release CTRL

I don't really know anything about this and could be totally off. Its just a thought.


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Post by CatBreath » Sat Sep 03, 2005 3:30 pm

Thanks for the replies!
and sorry i wasn't clear on my previous post.
Are you saying if that file content is English then all is OK, but if the file contents are hebrew it fails?
Yes. That is exactly what im saying.
The only thing that is hebrew is the content of the file.

And JRL I dont think thats it because you can still copy and paste with the shortcut keys (CTRL+V for instance) when writing in hebrew.

Thanks guys!

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Post by JRL » Sat Sep 03, 2005 5:39 pm

you can still copy and paste with the shortcut keys (CTRL+V for instance) when writing in hebrew.
I don't mean to belabor the point, but it still sounds to me like you are switching your keyboard over to Hebrew. Or when you say "writing in Hebrew" do you mean using the "WriteLn" function? Or when you say "writing in Hebrew" do you mean you are pasting Hebrew text?

If you are switching the keyboard, what character appears when you press the "V" key? Whatever that character is, use it to try to paste in the script. If you are not switching your keyboard, please say that you are not so that I can escape the clutches of my one track mind.

Trying to be helpful,

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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen » Sat Sep 03, 2005 5:45 pm

I am also still struggling to understand what "writing in Hebrew" means.

Can you explain a few steps of what you are doing leading up to it, and then say something like "now this is where I start writing in Hebrew", and then followed by "and this is where I stop writing in Hebrew and use English again."
Hope this was helpful..................good luck,
A humble man and PROUD of it!

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Post by CatBreath » Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:26 pm

Thanks for the replies!

when i say "Writing in Hebrew/English" I am refering to the text im manually typing into the dialog box, the text that the script copies and pastes into the text file.

and before pressing CTRL+V manually i do not do anything special...
the script stops working and then i immidiately press CTRL+V and it works fine. so no, i havent changed the language setting.

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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen » Mon Sep 05, 2005 9:31 pm

Hi CatBreath.....I think I understand what you are doing now.

You are typing into the Memo field in the dialog window, and trying to paste that into a location in Notpad.

And when you type English in the Memo field there is no problem using CTL-v to copy into Notepad, either manuallyor with Macro Scheduler.

But if you type Hebrew into the memo field, then CTL-v does not work in Notepad, using Macro Schduler, but doing it manually is OK.....is that correct?

Can you also provide a sample of what you are typing into the Memo field when you type in Hebrew? What keys are you pressing?

Can you print out a log file showing this when it works and another log file showing when it does not work?
Hope this was helpful..................good luck,
A humble man and PROUD of it!

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Post by CatBreath » Tue Sep 06, 2005 10:32 am

yep thats exactly it.

and im just typing in normal keys... like אבגדהוזחטי (tcdsvuzjyh)...

and how do i print out a log?

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Post by support » Tue Sep 06, 2005 10:38 am

I'm wondering if Macro Scheduler thinks CTRL, SHIFT or ALT is pressed - perhaps the Hebrew key codes use one of these keys or have that effect. Try this prior to the CTRL-v:

Release CTRL
Release SHIFT
Release ALT
Press CTRL
Release CTRL

Note also you should use lower case V. Be interested to know if that gets round the issue.

For log files you need to enable logging for the macro in question. Go into macro properties, select the Logging tab and create a log file.
MJT Net Support
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Post by CatBreath » Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:44 am

Here are the logs.
as you can see Releasing the keys (as suggested) does not help and the logs seem identical.

06/09/2005 14:29:36:975 - Started Macro : GET EMAIL AND SMS
06/09/2005 14:29:36:985 - Day>TheDay
06/09/2005 14:29:36:985 - Month>TheMonth
06/09/2005 14:29:36:985 - Year>TheYear
06/09/2005 14:29:36:985 - Let>TheDate=06.09.2005
06/09/2005 14:29:36:995 - Let>SFolder=C:\Program Files\Ita Script
06/09/2005 14:29:37:005 - ReadIniFile>C:\Program Files\Ita Script\Settings.ini,General,VerboLevel,DialogS.ChooseVerbo
06/09/2005 14:29:37:005 - ReadIniFile>C:\Program Files\Ita Script\Settings.ini,ICQ,ICQ,DialogSI.icqlocation
06/09/2005 14:29:37:015 - ReadIniFile>C:\Program Files\Ita Script\Settings.ini,ICQ,UsersNum,DialogSI.UserNum
06/09/2005 14:29:37:015 - ReadIniFile>C:\Program Files\Ita Script\Settings.ini,ICQ,FirstFromTop,DialogSI.ICfromTOP
06/09/2005 14:29:37:025 - EndDialog>Dialog1
06/09/2005 14:29:37:035 - EndDialog>dialogS
06/09/2005 14:29:37:075 - EndDialog>DialogSI
06/09/2005 14:29:37:085 - EndDialog>DialogSIC
06/09/2005 14:29:37:095 - Label>TheBegining
06/09/2005 14:29:37:095 - GetFileList>C:\Program Files\Ita Script\*TSource*.txt,Tsourcelist,

06/09/2005 14:29:37:105 - GetFileList>C:\Program Files\Ita Script\*ISource*.txt,Isourcelist,

06/09/2005 14:29:39:529 - Show>Dialog1,Pressed
06/09/2005 14:29:39:529 - If>Pressed=2,OUTTY
06/09/2005 14:29:39:529 - If>Pressed=9
06/09/2005 14:29:44:746 - Show>DialogS,Setty
06/09/2005 14:29:44:746 - ENDIF
06/09/2005 14:29:44:746 - ENDIF
06/09/2005 14:29:44:756 - If>Setty=2,OUTTY
06/09/2005 14:29:44:756 - If>Setty=3
06/09/2005 14:29:47:670 - Show>DialogSI,ICQSet
06/09/2005 14:29:47:670 - ENDIF
06/09/2005 14:29:47:670 - If>ICQSet=2,OUTTY
06/09/2005 14:29:47:680 - ENDIF
06/09/2005 14:29:47:680 - If>ICQSet=3
06/09/2005 14:29:55:822 - Show>DialogSIC,blat
06/09/2005 14:29:55:832 - If>blat=2,OUTTY
06/09/2005 14:29:55:832 - If>blat=1
06/09/2005 14:29:55:832 - WaitClipBoard
06/09/2005 14:29:55:832 - PutClipBoard>DialogSIC.smstxt
06/09/2005 14:29:56:102 - Run Program>Notepad.exe C:\Program Files\Ita Script\Settings.ini
06/09/2005 14:29:56:243 - WaitWindowOpen>Settings.ini - Notepad
06/09/2005 14:29:56:263 - Press Down * 12
06/09/2005 14:29:56:273 - Press Home
06/09/2005 14:29:56:373 - Press Del * 58
06/09/2005 14:29:56:373 - Release CTRL
06/09/2005 14:29:56:383 - Release SHIFT
06/09/2005 14:29:56:383 - Release ALT
06/09/2005 14:29:56:483 - Wait>0.1
06/09/2005 14:29:56:483 - Press CTRL
06/09/2005 14:29:56:583 - Wait>0.1
06/09/2005 14:29:56:583 - Send>v
06/09/2005 14:29:56:783 - Wait>0.2
06/09/2005 14:29:56:783 - Send>s
06/09/2005 14:29:56:883 - Wait>0.1
06/09/2005 14:29:56:883 - Release CTRL
06/09/2005 14:29:56:984 - Wait>0.1
06/09/2005 14:29:56:984 - Press Alt
06/09/2005 14:29:57:084 - Wait>0.1
06/09/2005 14:29:57:134 - Press F4
06/09/2005 14:29:57:234 - Wait>0.1
06/09/2005 14:29:57:234 - Release Alt
06/09/2005 14:29:57:264 - Message>SMS Message was changed!
06/09/2005 14:29:57:284 - Label>OUTTY
06/09/2005 14:29:57:284 - Finished Macro : GET EMAIL AND SMS

And English:
06/09/2005 14:30:58:011 - Started Macro : GET EMAIL AND SMS
06/09/2005 14:30:58:021 - Day>TheDay
06/09/2005 14:30:58:021 - Month>TheMonth
06/09/2005 14:30:58:031 - Year>TheYear
06/09/2005 14:30:58:031 - Let>TheDate=06.09.2005
06/09/2005 14:30:58:031 - Let>SFolder=C:\Program Files\Ita Script
06/09/2005 14:30:58:041 - ReadIniFile>C:\Program Files\Ita Script\Settings.ini,General,VerboLevel,DialogS.ChooseVerbo
06/09/2005 14:30:58:041 - ReadIniFile>C:\Program Files\Ita Script\Settings.ini,ICQ,ICQ,DialogSI.icqlocation
06/09/2005 14:30:58:051 - ReadIniFile>C:\Program Files\Ita Script\Settings.ini,ICQ,UsersNum,DialogSI.UserNum
06/09/2005 14:30:58:051 - ReadIniFile>C:\Program Files\Ita Script\Settings.ini,ICQ,FirstFromTop,DialogSI.ICfromTOP
06/09/2005 14:30:58:051 - EndDialog>Dialog1
06/09/2005 14:30:58:071 - EndDialog>dialogS
06/09/2005 14:30:58:112 - EndDialog>DialogSI
06/09/2005 14:30:58:132 - EndDialog>DialogSIC
06/09/2005 14:30:58:132 - Label>TheBegining
06/09/2005 14:30:58:132 - GetFileList>C:\Program Files\Ita Script\*TSource*.txt,Tsourcelist,

06/09/2005 14:30:58:142 - GetFileList>C:\Program Files\Ita Script\*ISource*.txt,Isourcelist,

06/09/2005 14:31:01:997 - Show>Dialog1,Pressed
06/09/2005 14:31:02:007 - If>Pressed=2,OUTTY
06/09/2005 14:31:02:007 - If>Pressed=9
06/09/2005 14:31:03:439 - Show>DialogS,Setty
06/09/2005 14:31:03:449 - ENDIF
06/09/2005 14:31:03:449 - ENDIF
06/09/2005 14:31:03:449 - If>Setty=2,OUTTY
06/09/2005 14:31:03:449 - If>Setty=3
06/09/2005 14:31:04:911 - Show>DialogSI,ICQSet
06/09/2005 14:31:04:911 - ENDIF
06/09/2005 14:31:04:921 - If>ICQSet=2,OUTTY
06/09/2005 14:31:04:921 - ENDIF
06/09/2005 14:31:04:921 - If>ICQSet=3
06/09/2005 14:31:12:012 - Show>DialogSIC,blat
06/09/2005 14:31:12:022 - If>blat=2,OUTTY
06/09/2005 14:31:12:022 - If>blat=1
06/09/2005 14:31:12:022 - WaitClipBoard
06/09/2005 14:31:12:032 - PutClipBoard>DialogSIC.smstxt
06/09/2005 14:31:12:282 - Run Program>Notepad.exe C:\Program Files\Ita Script\Settings.ini
06/09/2005 14:31:12:432 - WaitWindowOpen>Settings.ini - Notepad
06/09/2005 14:31:12:462 - Press Down * 12
06/09/2005 14:31:12:462 - Press Home
06/09/2005 14:31:12:552 - Press Del * 58
06/09/2005 14:31:12:562 - Release CTRL
06/09/2005 14:31:12:562 - Release SHIFT
06/09/2005 14:31:12:572 - Release ALT
06/09/2005 14:31:12:672 - Wait>0.1
06/09/2005 14:31:12:672 - Press CTRL
06/09/2005 14:31:12:773 - Wait>0.1
06/09/2005 14:31:12:783 - Send>v
06/09/2005 14:31:12:983 - Wait>0.2
06/09/2005 14:31:12:993 - Send>s
06/09/2005 14:31:13:093 - Wait>0.1
06/09/2005 14:31:13:093 - Release CTRL
06/09/2005 14:31:13:193 - Wait>0.1
06/09/2005 14:31:13:193 - Press Alt
06/09/2005 14:31:13:293 - Wait>0.1
06/09/2005 14:31:13:464 - Press F4
06/09/2005 14:31:13:564 - Wait>0.1
06/09/2005 14:31:13:564 - Release Alt
06/09/2005 14:31:13:704 - Message>SMS Message was changed!
06/09/2005 14:31:13:724 - Label>OUTTY
06/09/2005 14:31:13:724 - Finished Macro : GET EMAIL AND SMS


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