problem with Java interface

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problem with Java interface

Post by tim167 » Sat May 28, 2005 10:07 pm

One of the programs that is part of an automated process I am building is a Java application.
I think the GUI does not use standard windows buttons, at least they don't look like they are.
when opening the program it always takes a few seconds for the buttons to appear.
First you only see a blank window where the buttons are to be drawn.
This is no problem when using the program normally.
However, for some reason, when the program is called from msched, it sometimes happens that the buttons don't appear at all, and the scripted mouseclicks have no effect. If this happens I can solve it by moving the mouse over the window where the buttons should be, wich makes them appear. Then I click the button that should have been clicked by the script and the process continues.
I have put WaitReady>1 but It doesnt seem to help.
Hope this is somewhat clear enough for someone to come up with some useful answers...

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