Missing groups.ini

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Missing groups.ini

Post by bernie » Tue May 24, 2005 4:24 pm

I just did a clean/new install of on XP/Pro. I have a bunch of macros in .scp files and they worked just fine without 'importing' them so I was just cruising along. Today I ran into some problem and I wanted to turn on logging, and in order to do that you need to import the macros (right? There's no way to get that functionality from a freestanding .scp file, is there??]

Anyhow, so I went to create the 'group' that the files belong in... and it keeps complaing that it can't find the file groups.ini... and sure enough it cannot: there's a groups.dat in the install directory [to which I gave my limited account access], but no groups.ini.

I'm not sure what to do next: since I had macros imported at all, there wasn't very much [any, actually] "context" in my msched install, so perhaps the easiest thing to do would be to a full uninstall and reinstall [or perhaps just an 'update' install?]. Or is there some way to recreate the groups.ini file?


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Post by support » Tue May 24, 2005 4:52 pm

Not sure what has gone on here, but Macro Scheduler should recreate any files it needs from a blank install. So what I would do is quit MSched, then delete groups.dat, groups.ini and macros.dat. Then restart. Then import your .scp files.

I'm not really quite sure how you've ended up with an install with your .scp files outside of it - unless that is what you intended. When installing over the top of an existing install always use MINIMAL install and it will keep your scripts and settings intact.

And, if you want to create a log file via the command line (a standalone .scp) use the /LOGFILE=whatever.log command line switch. No need to import the script file if you don't want to.
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Post by bernie » Tue May 24, 2005 7:49 pm

I didn't 'upgrade' but did a full install on a machine that didn't have msched on it at all, and I haven't a clue what happened to the .idx file [the .dat file was there]. But as you said, deleteing what was there and it all cleaned up and is fine now.

However, I see that all that was, basically, for naught: msched doesn't [apparenly] consult the properties when it is running a .scp file directly, and so the fact that I had logging turned on in several of my 'worker' macros meant that it didn't happen. Editing all my scripts to have /LOGGING on the Macro> calls- and then editing them back seems awfully painful. Is there some way to invoke one macro from another that'd use the 'properties [and so I could switch logging and and off via the control panel]?


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Post by support » Tue May 24, 2005 8:06 pm

No, because the Macro> command runs a script file. It has no knowledge of macros or settings held inside Macro Scheduler. This is so that the script will work whether standalone, compiled or from Macro Scheduler.
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Post by bernie » Tue May 24, 2005 9:04 pm

I thought so -- too bad. I guess it'd be nice if there were a 'call' that'd allow you to call a registered/imported macro [beyond just logging, that'd also be more portable: I've more than once moved things around on my HD and had to bother changing all those absolute paths in all my macros].

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