ReadIniFile - problems with relative pathing

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Automation Wizard
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ReadIniFile - problems with relative pathing

Post by adroege » Mon May 23, 2005 6:02 pm

Why does the ReadIniFile command have problems with relative pathing? I have used the Macro> command successfully when specifying a relative path using the ..\ (dot dot backslash) notation. Support --- Is this a bug???

Note: the GetFileList has no problem with the path. It returns the correct file name in the MessageModal box.


// Get the path to the pp.ini file based upon who is logged in
Let>myINIpath=%CWD%\..\Case Management\casemgt.ini

// ReadIniFile in this case returns an error saying INI does not exist

// I have also tried putting the % around variable myINIpath as in:
// ReadIniFile>%myINIpath%,Parameters,PP.INI_File,PPFile
// with the same incorrect results

Automation Wizard
Posts: 438
Joined: Tue Dec 07, 2004 7:39 pm

Post by adroege » Mon May 23, 2005 6:23 pm

My apologies,

false alarm. This DOES work. I was incorrectly attributing the error to the wrong ReadIniFile line. I had another ReadIniFile line in the program which did contain a syntax error.

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