XP owners I desperately need your help.

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XP owners I desperately need your help.

Post by tommytx » Sun Dec 28, 2003 2:43 am

I am having a problem running the below script on my XP, however it runs on most XP's. It would be greatly appreciated if you would copy this script into a macro and try it on your xp.
Make sure you are connected to the internet and you should get Message Success1 then Message Success2. My XP is getting only Message1 and then requires a ctrl alt del warm boot to unlock.
If anyone who has an XP would test this it would be greatly appreciated.
MJTNET support (AND THEY ARE SUPER) is graciously helping me with this one, but since it runs ok on most XP's it is difficult at the least to track down. IF it works on your XP, please let me know and if it fails also let me know. You can let me know here, or my email is below.

Copy and paste below to test this short script. If you retype it, be sure to include all the double commas where required. Bob Hansen, this is the problem you have been helping me with and I really appreciate it.

It is believed that just a few XP's may have setups that cause any repeated http or ftp to fail if commanded more than once to http.

Begin script for copy.
End script for copy.

For more info you can check out the topic on the forum titled:
"Failure to run consecutive http post requests."
As I mentioned, Support is helping me with the problem, and they are a smart group of people and I am sure they will get to the bottom of this soon, but if 10 or 15 people could test and confirm good or bad, it would help to isolate this more quickly.
I surely hope that I am not the only one in captivity with an XP that won't run this command consecutively.

Thanks in advance for everyone's help.
Tom Chambers
[email protected]

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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen » Sun Dec 28, 2003 4:17 am

I will not have access to XP before tomorrow when I will try for you. I just tried tonight on WIN98SE with success. I modified Message> commands to Message>Modal so I could see that both were happening, and that worked also.

(I did get temp1 and temp2 values of "405 - Method Not Allowed")
Hope this was helpful..................good luck,
A humble man and PROUD of it!

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Post by tommytx » Sun Dec 28, 2003 6:04 am

Thanks Bob! However we don't have any problems with any model except XP. Also I believe you have allready verified that your XP will do the double http command without any problem. So it won't be necessary for you to run the test again, unless you have access to another XP.

Also I don't know why you are getting the 405 error, as it works fine on my win 98. Be sure you transferred all the commas as required for the http get command.

Tomorrow Support (a great team) are going to use VNC to connect remotely to my computer to analyze what is going on. I have already sent them some log file samples showing the lockup. It is so nice to have a support like that to solve problems. And also super people Like Bob who takes time to help everyone.

If any XP owner is willing to help us, here is an even better test:

Script to copy begins here:
Message>Test 1 and Test 2 are successful!
Script to copy ends here.

When the above script is run you should see the following messages.
Then after 5 seconds
Then after 5 seconds
Test 1 and Test 2 are successful!

Each line will print over the other, so watch the message box while it is running.

PLEASE....PLEASE...If you get a fail email me at [email protected] and post your results negative or positive here on the forum.
Maybe if there are some other fails, we can determine what is the difference in the setup of the ones that work and the ones that don't.

Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help out here.


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Post by Captive » Sun Dec 28, 2003 6:13 am

With the code you pasted, both Success1 and Success2 would popup. Looking at the variables I'd find %temp1% and %temp% would both say "405 - Method Not Allowed".

I changed your script to say this.
MessageModal>Success1 (%temp1%)
MessageModal>Success2 (%temp2%)The fix seemed to be quoting the method in upper case "GET" rather than lower case.

WinXP, MSched v7.2.043

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Post by tommytx » Sun Dec 28, 2003 6:44 am

Thanks a lot Captive for catching the case. You are absolutely right the GET or POST must be upper case. I was just about to send a correction when I got your message. Greatly appreciated!

Folks: Anyone testing the script, make sure you change the get to GET.
Other wise you get an error.. However either way you won't get a lockup unless your have one of those XP flunkies like I have. With the get or GET it will lock you up if you have the bad XP.

However please change the get to GET per Captive so you will actually get good data into the variable. Data is not needed for this test, just need to command http twice in a row to see if lockup occurs. Soooo use the script exactly as is with the exception of changing get to GET.

Thanks again Captive.
We are gonna kill this bear yet.
Since you didn't lock up you must have a good XP. It works fine on all but some XP.

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Post by Bob Hansen » Sun Dec 28, 2003 6:51 am

... unless you have access to another XP.
Yes, I will be trying this on a different XP system.
I made note of the 405 values for information purposes only. I did not actually get a 405 message showing on a browser, but I thought it might be of interest to you if you had not looked at the watch list. I see that Captive also got the same values.
The fix...
Does the FIX make the 405 errors go away?

Just edited this to note that the confirmations on "GET" vs. "get" was not there when this was submitted. Guess I was just too slow tonight. :oops:
Hope this was helpful..................good luck,
A humble man and PROUD of it!

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Post by tommytx » Sun Dec 28, 2003 7:00 am

Yes, the 405 errors went away with the upper case for get.

Same is reqd for a post that is upper case only. It does show the upper case in the instructions but did not comment on upper case being required, however to show them as upper should have been enough notice.

I tried lowering them back and the error came back. Also if you have the result dumped into a file the file itself will contain only the error number and none of the data you were trying to get.

Strangle enough, the upper or lower does not affect my test because no matter whether you use upper or lower it will lock up on the second attempt to send the http get or http post or ftp command. However we need to use upper case, cause you won't get any data and someone looking at the code may assume it is correct and it flat won't work for them. No upper case, no DATA.


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Post by Bob Hansen » Sun Dec 28, 2003 6:04 pm

Hope to get to XP later today, but just had a few thoughts:

1. Perhaps turn off AntiVirus and Firewall controls while testing?
2. Be sure you have admin rights to location of data writing.

You probably are doing these already, but who knows what ideas will trigger the sensible solution?
Hope this was helpful..................good luck,
A humble man and PROUD of it!


Post by Guest » Sun Dec 28, 2003 6:39 pm

No help Bob with shutting down antivirus, I only had Norton running and I shut if off. Also I shut down every thing in the system tray, just to be sure.

I sure hope someone comes back and says "It won't work for me either!", and maybe we could compare setups and versions of XP. I hate to try to reload XP again, as I am not sure I have that capabillity as it came with the computer. I hope to hear from support by tomorrow with the VNC taking control of my computer to run some tests.

It still lets me download the first file, but only one at a time.
I can run one http post, get or ftp, and since I haven't tried the second time, nothing is locked. So I can close the macro program out then restart it and run the single http again. No need to reboot cold or warm, as I have not double run the http.

I can do 1 line downloads all day, simply by exiting the macro program after each download and restarting the macro.

However if I try a second command, it will require a reboot to restart.
I have tried activating from dos with the same results.

Here is what a sample of the log run looks like:

Original Run:
12/27/2003 17:32:02:375 - Started Macro : post_post
12/27/2003 17:32:02:375 - START: Let>PostData=State=va&StartRecordID=1
12/27/2003 17:32:02:390 - END: Let>PostData=State=va&StartRecordID=1
12/27/2003 17:32:02:390 - START: HTTPRequest>http://www.firstpreston.com/broker_stat ... MLResponse
12/27/2003 17:32:03:625 - END: HTTPRequest>http://www.firstpreston.com/broker_stat ... MLResponse
12/27/2003 17:32:03:625 - START: Let>PostData=State=va&StartRecordID=26
12/27/2003 17:32:03:625 - END: Let>PostData=State=va&StartRecordID=26
12/27/2003 17:32:03:625 - START: HTTPRequest>http://www.firstpreston.com/broker_stat ... MLResponse

Run 2 but I had to ctrl alt del to unlock the computer
12/27/2003 17:41:30:234 - Started Macro : post_post
12/27/2003 17:41:30:234 - START: Let>PostData=State=va&StartRecordID=1
12/27/2003 17:41:30:250 - END: Let>PostData=State=va&StartRecordID=1
12/27/2003 17:41:30:250 - START: HTTPRequest>http://www.firstpreston.com/broker_stat ... MLResponse
12/27/2003 17:41:31:078 - END: HTTPRequest>http://www.firstpreston.com/broker_stat ... MLResponse
12/27/2003 17:41:31:078 - START: Let>PostData=State=va&StartRecordID=26
12/27/2003 17:41:31:078 - END: Let>PostData=State=va&StartRecordID=26
12/27/2003 17:41:31:078 - START: HTTPRequest>http://www.firstpreston.com/broker_stat ... MLResponse

Run 3 But had to ctrl alt del to unlock computer
12/27/2003 17:49:44:078 - Started Macro : post_post
12/27/2003 17:49:44:078 - START: Let>PostData=State=va&StartRecordID=1
12/27/2003 17:49:44:078 - END: Let>PostData=State=va&StartRecordID=1
12/27/2003 17:49:44:093 - START: HTTPRequest>http://www.firstpreston.com/broker_stat ... MLResponse
12/27/2003 17:49:45:687 - END: HTTPRequest>http://www.firstpreston.com/broker_stat ... MLResponse
12/27/2003 17:49:45:703 - START: Let>PostData=State=va&StartRecordID=26
12/27/2003 17:49:45:703 - END: Let>PostData=State=va&StartRecordID=26
12/27/2003 17:49:45:703 - START: HTTPRequest>http://www.firstpreston.com/broker_stat ... MLResponse

Note: The first http starts and ends but the second one will not end.

I used a simpler one for everyone to test with vahud, as it does not matter how simple, if you try to double command an FTP or HTTP on anything it will lock up on you no matter what the website you use.

Don't give up on me Bob or anyone else with ideas, I'll get a keg and we'll have a party when we beat this one. Support is very interested in this and I hope they come up with and idea. I know they would be more interested if it affected all XP's but so far I am the only one known to be affected and they may not persue this one too long. So far so good.

********************** Help *********** Help *****************
Anyone: I Still greatly need help if you could copy and paste the script inside the asterisk lines above and let me know the results. Without your help we will never solve this one.
No need to report running on anything but XP as all others work and most XP's work also.....go figure that one. Trust me, this won't hurt you computer....and Bob is a regular here and if it were dangerous, he would be the first to say so. A simple ctrl alt del will free up your computer if it locks.
********** Help ************** Help **************************

Bob: Don't know if this is significant, but when doing ctrl alt del, the file to cancel does not show up on the Application Tab, you must select the processes tab to free up the computer. Normally you can go to the Applications Tab to stop a program from runnng.


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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen » Sun Dec 28, 2003 10:42 pm

Hello Tom....Don't know if htis is good news or bad......I ran the following three scripts with no problems. Ran at normal speed and single stepped in Editor. Everything looked OK. :(
Message>Test 1 and Test 2 are successful!


HTTPRequest>http://www.firstpreston.com/broker_stat ... MLResponse
HTTPRequest>http://www.firstpreston.com/broker_stat ... MLResponse

Using Windows XP Pro, Macro Scheduler 7.2.037, and then upgraded to 7.2.043 and ran again, same results.

:idea: Re the CTL-ALT-DEL information, try using one of the utilities at this page at: http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/utilities.shtml. These are for NT/2K/XP.

Comparable tools for Win9X are at:

These three tools are probably the tools you want to use: Diskmon, Filemon, Regmon. You will have to do some initial filtering to eliminate items you don't want, but this may help you to ID what is killing the macro script.
Hope this was helpful..................good luck,
A humble man and PROUD of it!


Might this help?

Post by mightycpa » Sat Jan 10, 2004 2:46 am

First, I tried the script on my XP Pro, and it worked just fine.

I would be curious about the following:

1) Can you launch IE 2X fast and return the page without freezing?
2) If not, you've got an XP problem...
3) If so, you might have a MacroScheduler (ie, browser) problem
4) Visit http://www.siliconwold.com/interceptor/ ... r_home.htm
5) Intercept the outgoing http headers for IE and for MS
6) Compare!
7) Isolate!
8) Diagnose!

I hope it works for you, this tool has solved some stuff for me in my PHP life.

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Post by tommytx » Sat Jan 10, 2004 4:00 am

Thanks mightycpa.

I thought everyone had given up on me. It seems to be a difficult problem as Support is writing me a debug program to run on my XP to see if they can detect where the actual fail occurs.

I still would appreciate anyone with XP running the http post script above, just to report a go or no go. Won't take you but a minute. I know a lot of you out there have XP. Maybe I can return the favor one day.

Mightycpa: I am not sure what you mean by launch IE 2x fast to see if I lock up. However here is what I did in response to your suggestion. I double clicked on IE icon and it quickly loaded and pulled up my home page. Then I quickly hit refresh to make sure it went to the web and not temp files. Then I closed it and double clicked it again and as soon as it loaded, I sent it to another site immediatley. Then I opened 2 IE and switched sites several times on each open IE window...seems ok.

Please note that if I run one cycle of the http request, it will work ok and if I shutdown and restart the macro it will download one file at a time all day long as long as the macro is shut down and reloaded each time before activating the script. I can even activate one http command, then come back hours later and it will lock up as soon as you activate the script if you have not reloaded the macro program. However following only one http command, you can activate any script as long as it does not contain an ftp or http command. (No reset reqd) However, you can activate one http command then activate any other script and just fine, but activate any ftp or http and complete lock and nothing can be done without a warm reboot.

Come on XP guys load the script above by copy and paste and let me know it works. I several of you say it works fine, I guess I will have to find a way to reload my XP operating system. Strange Bird!

I am studying this intercept idea, to see if I can figure out how to use it...will let you know if I find anything.



Its gotta be the http request!

Post by mightycpa » Sat Jan 10, 2004 4:43 am

Do you have excel? Have you tried querying data from a web page in a VB Macro? That would be interesting, and you can do a POST request...just create any old web query, then find the iqy file and change it to :


Also, you could write a little javascript code that would post the same data in your browser.

Also, maybe try Netscape, Opera and some of the others...

I guess my supposition is that if the various commercial browsers work, it must be something in the MacroScheduler that works funny with your flavor of XP.

What is that flavor by the way?

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Post by tommytx » Sat Jan 10, 2004 5:12 am

mightycpa: I am running XP home version.

And yes, repetive http get and post works great from visual basic. I have written a VB that works great with the get command. Keep in mind I am having problems with any ftp or http command no matter whether it is get or post with the macro. Never get a lockup from VB.

I would simply use VB to take care of the job, but I don't know how to send the header data required for post. The vb command for get will go over and over without problem and I am sure post will also. Do you know how to send the header data for a post with VB?

The header data I am referring to is the state=va&startrec=26 etc.

The post command is querying an asp file and when I try to use get it will not process the response. The file I am querying only accepts the post data, will not accept get commands.

I had thought about using forms with the query data hidden and that works, but I need to do it 528 times where startrec goes from 1 thru 520 returning 25 entrires for a total of 13000.

Thanks for your ideas, I tried the interceptor, and it seems to work fine with my browser, but I don't get any response when submitting requests thru the macro. I assume it don't use the browser at all.

Also I can run ftp from the command line using the windows normal ftp command (the one that comes with windows) repeatedly without any problems. But same problem, I don't know how to send a http post or get from the command line....but I use the command line ftp all the time.

I even tried running the macro from the command line, but the same lockup when using the macro. No lockups when using the windows command line FTP command.

I may try to find a good visual basic forum to see if anyone knows the code to send http post via visual basic. the trick for me is to figure out how to send the post data required to be sent in the header for the post command.

Do you know a good vb forum that might know how to send a http post.
That would be an interim, as I really love the mjt macro but my main use for it at this time is not working. Again I am trying to come up with a way to reload my XP, but it came with the computer, and I don't know of any way to reload without purchasing the product.

Thanks for your help.



Post by mightycpa » Sat Jan 10, 2004 8:51 pm

You know, for now you could simply create a macro that
fills out the fields,
returns the query,
saves the htm page,
clicks the next link
saves the htm page,

That would make your solution a little less critical.

Also, try this:

http://cftags.josephdevore.com/upsmx/he ... P_Post.htm

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