Pick data from MS Access 2003 and transport into web fields

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Pick data from MS Access 2003 and transport into web fields

Post by TS » Mon May 24, 2010 8:47 pm

Does by any chance anybody have a sample script, which picks data from e.g. northwind.mdb/table1/line 15/field 2 to go into a web formular? Followed by further field values out of that line?

The use is meant for web sites (swap books, cd`s etc.), which not necessarily offer an upload format, but also would not mind, if an automation routine would deliver several sets of data. Any comment appreciated.

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Post by adroege » Mon May 24, 2010 8:53 pm

Use DBQuery and write an appropriate SQL select statement to retrieve the data you wish.


Select LastName from Customers where ID = 27

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