How to run a macro at sunset

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How to run a macro at sunset

Post by dazedandconfused2 » Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:01 am

I am looking for a way to run a macro at sunset.

Since none of the scheduler options allow for this I am at a loss to figure out a way to get a macro to run.

Any ideas ????

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Marcus Tettmar
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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:56 am

Depends what you mean I guess. To know exactly when sunset has occurred I guess you'll need some kind of light senser outside. You can probably get something like that and hook it up to a serial/usb port and have a macro watch the signal. Or, if you're happy to go with predicted sunset times there's probably a website which gives those which you could download and parse with HTTPRequest. Wait, let me try that trusty google thang ... yeh, here we go: ... html?n=136

That's for London but you can change the location.

Could have Macro Scheduler suck that page down and parse it/store the times somewhere. The controlling macro would loop until the time matches ....

Or, of course, if you are happy to go with an approximation and simply update the schedule every few days, just enter the time in the schedule options (e.g. for London currently it would be around 20:15 and would be accurate enough for the next week or so, and I could then change it next week).

So, kind of depends exactly what you are trying to accomplish. Don't think there's a Windows function that can see out your window and go ping when it sees the sun slip below the horizon. I checked the Microsoft docs but didn't see one ;-)
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Post by Me_again » Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:10 pm

mtettmar wrote:Don't think there's a Windows function that can see out your window and go ping when it sees the sun slip below the horizon. I checked the Microsoft docs but didn't see one ;-)
VBScript can do it though :wink:

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Marcus Tettmar
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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:14 pm

Maths can do it of course. See the readme for how it works: ... .91/README
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Calculate sunrise and sunset times

Post by adroege » Thu May 06, 2010 3:20 pm

I went ahead and coded up an example from one of the web links
given above..... seems to work pretty well


Code: Select all

' Other Constants & Defs
Const pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795

' Main function
Function SunTimes (strYear, strMonth, strDay, longitude, latitude, TZ, isdst)
Dim d, n, i, w, m, l, e, e1, a, xv, yv, v, xs, ys, xe, ecl, lonsun, ye, ze, ra, dec, h
Dim GMST0, UT_Sun_in_south, LHA, hour_rise, hour_set, min_rise, min_set

'calculate days since 2000 jan 1
  d = ( 367 * (strYear) - int((7 * ((strYear) + (((strMonth) + 9) / 12))) / 4) + int((275 * (strMonth)) / 9) + (strDay) - 730530)

' Orbital elements of the Sun:
  N = 0.0
  i = 0.0
  w = 282.9404 + 4.70935E-5 * d

  a = 1.000000
  e = 0.016709 - 1.151E-9 * d

  M = 356.0470 + 0.9856002585 * d
  M = rev(M)

  ecl = 23.4393 - 3.563E-7 * d
  L = w + M
  if (L <0> 360) then
    L = rev(L)
  end if

' position of the Sun
  E1 = M + e*(180/pi) * sind(M) * ( 1.0 + e * cosd(M) )
  xv = cosd(E1) - e
  yv = sqrt(1.0 - e * e) * sind(E1)

  v = atan2d(yv, xv)
  r = sqrt(xv * xv + yv * yv)
  lonsun = v + w
  if (lonsun <0> 360) then
    lonsun = rev(lonsun)
  end if
  xs = r * cosd(lonsun)
  ys = r * sind(lonsun)
  xe = xs
  ye = ys * cosd(ecl)
  ze = ys * sind(ecl)
  RA = atan2d(ye, xe)
  Dec = atan2d(ze, (sqrt((xe * xe)+(ye * ye))))

  GMST0 = L + 180
  if (GMST0 <0> 360) then
    GMST0 = rev(GMST0)
  end if

  UT_Sun_in_south = ( RA - GMST0 - longitude ) / 15.0
  if (UT_Sun_in_south <0> -1 AND LHA < 1) then
    SunTimes = "No sunrise,No sunset"
    exit function
  end if
  hour_rise=UT_Sun_in_south - LHA
  hour_set=UT_Sun_in_south + LHA
  min_rise=int((hour_rise-int(hour_rise)) * 60)
  min_set=int((hour_set-int(hour_set)) * 60)

  hour_rise=(int(hour_rise) + (TZ + isdst))
  hour_set=(int(hour_set) + (TZ + isdst))
  if (min_rise < 10) then
    min_rise = right("0000" & min_rise, 2)
  end if
  if (min_set < 10) then
    min_set = right("0000" & min_set, 2)
  end if

  SunTimes = hour_rise & ":" & min_rise & "," & hour_set & ":" & min_set
End Function

' Support Functions
Function sind(qqq)
  sind = sin((qqq) * DEGRAD)
End Function

Function cosd(qqq)
 cosd = cos((qqq) * DEGRAD)
End Function

Function tand(qqq)
 tand = tan((qqq) * DEGRAD)
End Function

Function atand(qqq)
 atand = (RADEG * atan(qqq))
End Function

Function asind(qqq)
 asind = (RADEG * asin(qqq))
End Function

Function acosd(qqq)
 acosd = (RADEG * acos(qqq))
End Function

Function atan2d (qqq, qqq1)
 atan2d = (RADEG * atan2(qqq, qqq1))
End Function

Function rev(qqq)
Dim x
 x = (qqq - int(qqq/360.0) * 360.0)
 if (x <= 0) then
  x = x + 360
 end if
 rev = x
End Function

Function atan2(ys,xs)
' from the Draw Arrows tip
' @
' by —Jim Deutch, Syracuse, New York

Dim theta
 If xs <> 0 Then
  theta = Atn(ys / xs)
  If xs < 0 Then
   theta = theta + pi
  End If
  If ys <0> 0 then
  sqrt = Sqr(x)
  sqrt = 0
 end if
end function

//Orlando Florida


//VBEval>SunTimes(Year(Now), Month(Now), Day(Now), %longitude%, %latitude%, %tzoff%, 0),result
VBEval>SunTimes("%Y%","%M%","%D%",%longitude%, %latitude%, %tzoff%, 0),result

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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen » Thu May 06, 2010 10:44 pm

Don't think there's a Windows function that can see out your window and go ping when it sees the sun slip below the horizon. I checked the Microsoft docs but didn't see one ;-)
Did you try SUN or SOLARIS? They sound like naturals. :roll:
Hope this was helpful..................good luck,
A humble man and PROUD of it!

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