Filenames with accented characters and ; character

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Filenames with accented characters and ; character

Post by xavierlh1 » Sat Apr 17, 2010 4:17 am

I'm trying out Macro Scheduler to process audio files using Adobe Audition, but it seems to have trouble with filenames that include either accented characters such as é or the semi-colon.

Among the list of files to process I have one named:
Les Offrandes Oubliées - Olivier Messiaen - Orchestre de Paris; Serge Baudot - Angel S-36559 - 2 - LP - ~.wav
which is a legal filename

I'm using GetFileList, but for this file in the Watch List I see the following name:
Les Offrandes Oubliées - Olivier Messiaen - Orchestre de Paris

i.e. the filename is truncated at the semi-colon.

When I replace the ; with a coma, GetFileList processes the file correctly; i.e. I see
Les Offrandes Oubliées - Olivier Messiaen - Orchestre de Paris, Serge Baudot - Angel S-36559 - 2 - LP - ~.wav
in the WatchList, but when I then use Send>file_names_%k% to pass the filename to Audition Open dialog, I get an error dialog indicating that
Les Offrandes Oubli233es - Olivier Messiaen - Orchestre de Paris, Serge Baudot - Angel S-36559 - 2 - LP - ~.wav
File not Found

Note that é in the filename was replaced with 233.

Is there anyway to make this work, or do I need to simply avoid these characters?


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Post by JRL » Sat Apr 17, 2010 2:26 pm

See help for GetFileList>

The default delimiter is a semicolon (;). You can replace that by placing another string to use as the delimiter at the end of the GetFileList> command. I'd recommend using %CRLF%.


I don't know what might be the solution for the accented e. Perhaps you could use DOS commands to create your list rather than the built in GetFileList function.

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Marcus Tettmar
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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:58 am


As JRL noted you will need to specify an alternative delimiter for GetFileList since the default delimiter is used in your file names.

I could not replicate your accented e problem with the following simple test:

1. I created a file on disk called Oubliées.txt
2. I started Notepad.
3. I ran the following script:


Oubliées.txt showed up perfectly in Notepad.

I tried this using Macro Scheduler 11 on Windows 7 and on Windows XP and in both cases the accented e showed up correctly.

Therefore I think the issue must be caused by your target application.
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Post by xavierlh1 » Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:39 pm

Thanks for the feedback. Adobe Audition is definitely quirky, and I'm learning to work around all its idiosyncrasies. For now, I'll avoid ";" and accented characters in my filenames (at least until the files have been processed).

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