Strange feedback from msNet

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Strange feedback from msNet

Post by jleuzinger » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:42 pm

I use msNet to run MS scripts on a remote PC.

The script sets the variable MACRO_RESULT to "TRUE" or "FALSE" to provide feedback if the script was successful.

Normally this works well, but
sometimes I get the answer "Specified Macro Does Not Exist"
or random text like "nn:0::00:00:1::H::I:N::" or "1::H::I:N::"
instead of "TRUE".
This happens about 0.5% of all Calls.

Does anyone knows a reason or workaround ?

Joerg Leuzinger

MS Version 8.0.4
RemotePC: Windows XP / SP2
Host PC: WindowsXP / SP2

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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen » Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:17 pm

It sounds like you are getting a message copying info from the macros.dat file. Can you provide sample script that shows what is being done when it sends this message? Have you looked at a log file? Have you Single Stepped through the script?
Hope this was helpful..................good luck,
A humble man and PROUD of it!

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