DLL use

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DLL use

Post by Robbyn » Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:03 pm

I wish to run a dll from within MS. This is the sample code for Visual Basic. How should I change it for MS?

Public Declare Function GetPDFText Lib "PDFtext.dll" (ByVal FileName As String, ByVal opt As Long, ByVal target As String) As String
. . .

Private Sub option3_Click()
' Save the text-content into a returning string
Text2.Text = GetPDFText(Text1.Text, 3, "")
End Sub
. . .

Comment and further question:

I am not used to VB but it seems to me that filename and target above are variables. If not I would like them to be so that I can substitute different file names from within the MS routine. Is that type of literal variable possible from within MS so that MS reads it as if it were the full path and file name as previously stored into the variable?

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Marcus Tettmar
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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:23 pm


I don't think that DLL will work with Macro Scheduler because it returns a string, not a number. Are you able to email me a copy of that DLL, or tell me where I can download it? I could then test it and if necessary write you a DLL or ActiveX wrapper for it that will work in Macro Scheduler.
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Post by Robbyn » Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:17 pm

The dll can be obtained from:


it is called pdftext

Thank you for offering to make it useable in MS.

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Marcus Tettmar
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Post by Marcus Tettmar » Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:34 pm


Ok, it already works fine with Macro Scheduler since it offers an option to return the text to the clipboard or a file. So either way we have a method to put the returned text in a Macro Scheduler variable.

Using the clipboard:

//modify the next line to point to pdftext.dll
Let>lib=C:\Documents and Settings\Marcus\My Documents\pdftext\pdftext.dll

//modify the next line to point to a PDF file
Let>pdffile=C:\Documents and Settings\Marcus\My Documents\pdftext\pricing.pdf

//Call GetPDFText, passing the pdffile and putting result on clipboard

//Get text from the clipboard

Using a temporary text file:

//Using a text file
//modify the next line to point to pdftext.dll
Let>lib=C:\Documents and Settings\Marcus\My Documents\pdftext\pdftext.dll

//modify the next line to point to a PDF file
Let>pdffile=C:\Documents and Settings\Marcus\My Documents\pdftext\pricing.pdf

//Temp text file name

//Call GetPDFText, passing the pdffile and putting result in tempfile

//Get text from tempfile

//Delete tempfile
Marcus Tettmar
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Post by Robbyn » Tue Dec 27, 2005 7:05 pm

Thank you for that help. I will now proceed to get the rest of the macro to work.

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