ChromeDriver vs EdgeDriver

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ChromeDriver vs EdgeDriver

Post by JRL » Thu Jun 27, 2024 2:26 pm

Does anyone have any experience you can share regarding which of these has been more reliable for you?

I hate automating web pages. The pages I've been tasked with automating in the past mostly belong to large customers. They have development teams who can't seem to leave well enough alone. I don't think I've ever automated a web page where the automation held up for more than a couple of months. The web page changes and the automation breaks. Oh! and the best part, guess who gets blamed for the failure and has to fix it immediately if not sooner? Fortunately, these days, most of the data our team wants to acquire from customer web sites has been formatted to be downloadable in an excel readable state. I guess those web developers serve a purpose after all.

Today I have to automate an input into a sharepoint site. I'm hopeful that it won't be changed as often. The last website I worked with was automated via IE. Corporate policy won't let me use Internet Explorer any longer so I'm looking to try my hand at using Chrome or Edge. Any advice will be appreciated.

If its helpful, the process is that an executable has been created to be distributed company wide. The executable displays a dialog to be filled out. On closing the dialog the information will be written to a text file. A program will be running on a single computer that will detect the presence of a text file, read the contents of the text file, log into the sharepoint site and post the data. My understanding is that this will happen about 100 times per day.

Any thoughts?
Thank you,

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