Oracle under control at last :)

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Oracle under control at last :)

Post by craige288 » Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:51 pm

I just can't keep using this software without putting in my 2 cents worth !


I have waited some while for a scripting language that will control an application within a Citrix or Java shell.

Communication with Windows was useless as it had no idea what was going on inside the window. Now, with the help of a few screen captures, I can control anything visible.

I purchased this software for one reason. To control my companies database, run reports, email results/summaries & remind staff of data they did not enter the previous day.

To date, being 3 months of software ownership, my script now controls our database for just over 3 hours. That is 3 hours of manual labour, possibly more, saved. Given 6 States that our company operates in, each state is now saving 30 mins of Manager time per day as the managers are normally required to run these reports & compile the summaries themselves. Now they simply open their email for the summaries each morning.

Needless to say, I am loved around the country, including NZ. Our database is tedious, it requires an excessive amount of left-clicks to perform even the simplest of requests.


OK, just to finish with a few griefs/comments :)

When in edit mode, the debug one, I can't paste from the clipboard, it's greyed out but CTRL+V works!

It would be nice to 'Run until next breakpoint'. I get frustrated when I break in a loop only to find that I need to loop a few more times. Pressing F8 for a prolonged period is a health hazard! It would be better to run the program until it hits a breakpoint again. Can this option be added?

On the subject of Breakpoints, I find that if I don't put a blank line between the breakpoint & next command then that next command (directly after the breakpoint) doesn't execute correctly.

Can you please look into these probs.

Many Thanks!

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