Field "names", etc.

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Field "names", etc.

Post by pzelenka » Sun Dec 15, 2002 5:46 pm

I am wondering if someone could point me to a resourse that would enable me to develop a method of determining the internal name found in a form used in a program? I am looking for options to Press Enter.

Also, while I'm listing things I ponder, does anyone have any thoughts regarding flow control or error capture/control? I try to include code to monitor all possible windows that might open in the course of script induced activity in an effort keep the spript on it's proper course. One item that may relate to this issue is when a script finds an event that is best handled by operator intervention. Is it best to present a message and then give the operator a moment to make an entry, assuming it is an automated data entry script, and then have a resume subroutine to branch to? Would anyone, per chance have an example of such a coded situation?

Any discussion will be appreciated.




Post by Ernest » Mon Dec 16, 2002 8:41 pm

Hi pzelenka,
it looks you had a bunch of views regarding your topic(s), but no help.

First I thought something like "FindWindowWithText>" would be OK to solve the first (internal form ...) issue.

Then I thought "GetActiveWindow>" would be the way to solve the error capture ... issue.

But to be honest, I'm not quite shure if the crowd is fully aware what's the issue at all?!

Help us to help you :wink:


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