Battling the Windows 10 Updates Virus

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Battling the Windows 10 Updates Virus

Post by JRL » Wed Jan 15, 2020 2:37 pm

See the error message below.

This started a couple of weeks ago. I have about 150 Windows 10 computers that are required by corporate policy to remain on the bleeding edge of Windows 10 updates. I have to deal with this or very similar errors 2 to 5 times a day. Sometimes a reboot fixes the issue, for one particular Macro Scheduler executable I have to boot to safe mode and delete a folder that the executable creates and uses. Even though the program is not running, Windows reports the folder is inaccessible (Access Denied) and it remains inaccessible even after a reboot. The folder resides in the users temp folder.

I thought this might be a MalwareBytes issue. Another software that I'm not a fan of. But I've uninstalled Malwarebytes from a computer that has this issue often and the issue still occurs. It could be a Windows Defender issue but if it is, its still a Microsoft issue.

It doesn't affect all computers though all are running Windows 10. It also does not affect any computer all the time though once it starts only a reboot will fix it. It seems to be worst in those cases where I've set up a Macro Scheduler Executable that calls another Macro Scheduler Executable that resides in a network location. That said, in the case of the displayed error message, I have a scheduled Macro Scheduler script, calling a Macro Scheduler executable that is in a network location and the issue occurs even then. Lest you think this might be a server issue, files that are failing are located on three different servers. Two running Windows and one running Linux.

To be clear this does not only affect Macro Scheduler executables, It affects every executable called from a network location. I only dwell on the Macro Scheduler ones because this is a Macro Scheduler forum. and because I have found what I believe is a workaround for Macro Scheduler executable users. Instead of calling the executable from the network location, I have the script copy the executable to the local computer and run it from the local computer location. So far, in two days, I've not seen the issue. So I wait for next Wednesday to see what problems the next Tuesday Windows Update brings.

Anyone else suffering from this?

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