Runing command using Telnet Connection! like run a DB query

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Runing command using Telnet Connection! like run a DB query

Post by Niroj@Work » Tue Dec 22, 2009 6:41 am


I don't have a DB driver for INFORMIX 9.4. Can I get the ODBC driver for free? If not can I use Telnet to do the same?

i.e. I want do run a db query in HP unix prompt like this:

Result=` dbaccess DB_Name>/dev/null
SELECT emp_id FROM emp WHERE emp_name=$name

later I can FTP the same to my desktop....

Do you have idea about the Informix 9.4 Driver..?whether it is free or not. I googled it but didn't get.. :(

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informix odbc driver download

Post by adroege » Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:15 pm

Version 1.0.2
Last Update 1/6/2010
Statistics Windows Installer, 9.5 meg.

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