I am wondering what everyone, who so-called loves Windows 10, is running. Windows 10 Update version or Windows 10 oem version that comes with a computer?
I bought my laptop with Win 10 oem installed. It has constant errors. If a usb hdd goes to sleep and you try to copy or move a file Win 10 says it is hardware failure and ask if you want to retry. I can't think of the other issues right now, but there are a S#@t ton of errors.
I don't believe the update version has all these errors because you are actually using a modified Windows (insert number) not the actual Windows 10. Which I believe is why some are claiming to love Windows 10.
I would love Windows 10 if not for all there irritating errors.
So what's the scoop for you? Do you love or hate Windows 10? Do you experience a lot of annoying errors? Update or OEM?
Windows 10 oem
Moderators: Dorian (MJT support), JRL
Windows 10 oem
Windows 7
PepsiHog. Yep! I drink LOTS of Pepsi (still..in 2024) AND enjoy programming. (That's my little piece of heaven!)
The immensity of the scope of possibilities within Macro Scheduler pushes the user beyond just macros!
PepsiHog. Yep! I drink LOTS of Pepsi (still..in 2024) AND enjoy programming. (That's my little piece of heaven!)
The immensity of the scope of possibilities within Macro Scheduler pushes the user beyond just macros!