LinkedIn Macro

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LinkedIn Macro

Post by Meryl » Mon Mar 15, 2021 5:59 pm

A client wants to know who has published a LinkedIn blog post or shared a status update in the past 24 hours.

The client provides a list of LinkedIn profile URLs in a spreadsheet. You can then append two strings of text to the profile URL, go to those URLs and check the date of the last post to see if it is within the past day.

These are the strings to add to the profile:

For example, here are the URLs of my most recent blog posts and status updates: ... ity/posts/ ... ty/shares/

At an absolute minimum, the client would like the output to be a spreadsheet with a list of the profiles where there are new posts. It would be better if we could get a list of the URLs of the actual blog posts and status updates.

Can something that can be done using Macro Scheduler? To be clear, they don't want an app. They want something that runs on a desktop as simple as possible (and as inexpensive as possible) is ideal. Maybe even using Google Sheets so more than one person can access it.

If yes, if you have the qualifications to do this and would be interested, please let me know.

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